Monday, October 19, 2009

A new project

Hey guys, I haven't updated in a while so frankly i'm not sure what the last things were, maybe the AIR project. I'm currently working on a new project for university which will take up the majority of my time over this final year, it's (currently) a 2d game featuring some amazingly wonderful...uh, features. Well, in my head it is anyway. You can follow it's blog at this place. I'll probably be using that to update all the stuff about this project and use this blog to update stuff with artwork or whatever.

If anyone fancies giving me a hand with it I won't be saying no, either ;P

Saturday, May 30, 2009

More animation

I thought i'd update this with a couple of the other animations i've done for the AIR project. I've done 6 so far and here's the latest ones. I'm not amazingly proud of any of them but i'm pretty happy overall just because the quality of the animations other people have produced are generally not so fantastic either (There's about 3-4 people consitantly doing great work and the same amount doing kinda terrible stuff. This is me being mean -_-) 

I was trying to use a style that was far different from my usual one. I kinda feel like I managed it but at the same time, it's not particularly great and I can still see parts of my style within the work -_-

This is what happens when leprechauns get near children and sloths.

This is HAPPYBOT. HAPPYBOT loves you and everything you love. HAPPYBOT will make you happy. HAPPYBOT also won the contest so he'll be featuring in Ian's final film. Yay for HAPPYBOT.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Animator in residence

This is the first response I made for the Newport University AIR scheme. Basically an animator has come to live at the campus for a month and it's an optional project to help him make a film.

The way it works is that he made a 5 second film, then we had 24 hours to make our own one in response to it. Afterwards, everyone voted on the film they thought should be added on to the film, and then he made another response to that piece of film. This is going to last for a month. 

My second response was this - 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Wheeh. We had to do a Vignette project which we handed in yesterday, it's found HERE or at the bottom of the post if you're interested. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out I guess, I mean, there's stuff i'd have liked to change and include but oh well. The styles all came together in the end, which was unexpected but pleasant.


Monday, November 17, 2008


There's tons more i'd like to do to it but frankly I still can't stand flash. It crashed on me so often in the first week that I nearly burnt down Macromedia but after that it just started working, then kept working even after I didn't want to work any more. It only crashed on me once in 4 weeks of work, and that was in the final hour of putting the project together.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Project update

I figured I may aswell update this since I can't sleep. The project is going pretty well in my opinion, well, for me. I'm working with a leprechaun and we've got a ton of images done so far, I have another 38 to do over the next few days though which shouldn't be too hard as long as I can make myself work. I suppose I can post one image from it so far, although bear in mind this is probably my favorite of all of them and the rest are in no way as detailed yet.

The whole thing is being drawn directly into flash. The reasoning for this and the reason a lot of the images lack detail where i'd like to give it is frankly because it ends up following a consistant style and gives the "player" (Maybe explorer would be a better word) a larger zone to discover.

A lot of the project is going to be based around the audio which I need to get to work on ASAP. As this project is meant to be a non-linear enviroment, which tells a story without the need for text and conveys an emotion, I want the focus not to be on the visuals (Though I hope by the end i'll have added enough detail to make it not abysmal) but on the sound instead, as i've always thought a good soundtrack really can make or break a game sometimes.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

*guitar solo*


I would post more here but frankly there's not much point right now. I'm currently working on a Flash project for year 2 CGD, having got the project this afternoon and i've already done not one, not two, but three images for it. I've got a fantastic idea and i'm actually enjoying it a little which is pretty nice. But i'm hoping that i'm able to work solo on this because I want to prove i'm able to do good work without anyone saying that I had influence or help from other people. I like being independant.

I'm pretty sure my idea is viable for the project but i'll have to check. And I also have to work out how the fuck to animate things in Flash, at least, things which arent MarioBros/Transformers dance off.